Troubleshoot exporting form data to Excel
Applies ToMicrosoft Forms

Tip: Learn more about Microsoft Forms or get started right away and create a survey, quiz, or poll. Want more advanced branding, question types, and data analysis? Try Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

If your form or survey was created in Microsoft Forms and has received a large number of long answers, you may experience a download error when trying to check your form results and export your data to Excel. Here is a workaround to ensure you can successfully retrieve all your data in one or more Excel workbooks.

  1. In the address bar of your browser, replace the existing URL with the following:[enter number]#Analysis=true&FormId=[enter Form ID number]

    • DownloadFileSize = Number of responses between 1 and 5,000.

      Note: 5,000 is the maximum number of responses you can download to a single Excel workbook.

    • FormId = The string of 80 numbers and characters at the end of your URL.

    For example, your workaround URL might look like this:

  2. Go back to the Responses tab and select Open in Excel.

  3. One Excel workbook will open for up to 2,000 responses (the number you have specified in DownloadFileSize). For example, if your form has 20,000 responses and you've specified DownloadFileSize = 2000, then 10 Excel workbooks, each with 2,000 responses, will open.


    • If you've created your form in Microsoft Forms and select Open in Excel, an offline Excel workbook will open that has no relationship or connection to your form.

    • If you've created your form in OneDrive and select Open in Excel, your Excel workbook is automatically stored in OneDrive for work or school and contains a live data connection to your form. Any new response data in your form will be reflected in your workbook.

    • If you've created your form in Excel for the web and select Open in Excel, your Excel workbook is automatically stored in OneDrive for work or school and contains a live data connection to your form. Any new response data in your form will be reflected in your workbook.

See Also

Create a form

Check your form results

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